Facebook Ads Calculators

Are you investing in Facebook Ads to grow your business? If so, you know the importance of ensuring your ad spend is profitable.

You can use the several Facebook Ads calculators on this page to help you build profitable ad campaigns on Facebook and Instagram.

Explore The Facebook Ads Calculators

Facebook Ads Budget Calculator

You can use the Facebook Ads Budget Calculator to plan your ad spending.

To use the calculator, enter your revenue and profit goals, your product's price and production cost, and your website's conversion rate. It will then tell you the maximum amount you can spend on Facebook Ads and per click to achieve your profit goal. It'll also tell you how many site visitors and sales you need to achieve your goals.

This tool simplifies budget planning, helping businesses like yours optimize your ad campaigns for better financial performance.

Facebook Ad Budget Calculator

Input values



The maximum amount you can afford to spend on Facebook Ads and hit your profit goal: $0.00
The maximum amount you can afford to spend per ad click: $0.00
You need this many site visitors to reach your revenue goal: 0
The number of sales needed to reach your revenue goal: 0

Facebook Ads Cost per Lead Calculator

Use this Facebook Ads calculator to see the total number of leads you can generate from Facebook Ads and your average cost per lead.

Facebook Ads Lead Calculator

Facebook Ads Lead Calculator

Fill in the inputs below to calculate the total website sessions, leads, and cost per lead from your Facebook Ads.
Total website sessions from Facebook Ads: 0
Leads from Facebook Ads: 0
Cost per lead: $0

Facebook Ads Ecommerce Revenue & Profit Calculator

This calculator lets you see your potential revenue and profit when using Facebook Ads to promote your ecommerce store.

Facebook Ads Ecommerce Revenue & Profit Calculator

Facebook Ads Ecommerce Revenue & Profit Calculator

Fill in the inputs below to calculate your potential revenue and profit from Facebook Ads.

