Viral Coefficient (k-factor) Calculator
Use our free Viral Coefficient (k-factor) calculator to determine your product's viral growth rate. Find out if your product has achieved true viral growth, which means it has a viral coefficient greater than 1.
How to Calculate Viral Coefficient (k-factor)
You can calculate the viral coefficient by taking the total number of active users, multiplying it by the average number of invites sent per user, multiplying that by the average conversion rate of invites, and dividing the result by 100.
Why Viral Coefficient (k-factor) Matters and How to Interpret It
A viral coefficient above 1 means your product has exponential growth, as each user brings in more than one new user.
A coefficient of exactly 1 means stable growth, where each user brings in one new user.
A coefficient below 1 indicates declining growth, as each user brings in less than one new user and acquisition depends on non-viral channels.