TikTok Ads Calculator

TikTok has 1.04 billion monthly active users. It's one of the largest social media platforms in the world. This makes it one of the world's largest advertising platforms.

Our TikTok Ads calculator will help you estimate the results you might see from running ads on TikTok.

TikTok Ads Calculator

TikTok Ads Calculator

Fill in the details below to estimate your monthly results from TikTok Ads.


Estimated Monthly Results from TikTok Ads:

Clicks: ?Total number of clicks you can expect based on your budget and CPC.
New Customers: ?Estimated number of new customers based on your clicks and conversion rate.
Cost per Customer: ?Average cost incurred to acquire each new customer.
Expected Revenue: ?Total revenue you can expect based on your new customers and average order value.
ROAS: ?Return on Ad Spend, indicating the revenue generated for every dollar spent.