What Is Multi-Touch Attribution?

In the realm of digital advertising, the concept of Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA) is a crucial one. It refers to the process of assigning credit to different touchpoints in a customer's journey towards a conversion or sale. This method acknowledges that multiple interactions contribute to a customer's decision to purchase, and it attempts to quantify the influence of each touchpoint. This glossary entry will delve into the intricacies of MTA, its importance in digital advertising, and the various models used to implement it.

Understanding MTA is essential for marketers and advertisers as it provides a more nuanced and accurate view of a customer's journey. Rather than attributing a conversion to a single touchpoint, MTA recognizes that a customer's decision to purchase is often the result of multiple interactions. This can include viewing an advertisement, clicking on a link, reading a blog post, or interacting with a brand on social media. By attributing credit to each of these touchpoints, marketers can gain a better understanding of their customers' behavior and optimize their advertising strategies accordingly.

Understanding Multi-Touch Attribution

At its core, MTA is about understanding and quantifying the customer journey. It recognizes that customers interact with brands in a variety of ways before making a purchase. These interactions, or touchpoints, can include anything from viewing an advertisement to reading a product review. Each of these touchpoints plays a role in influencing the customer's decision to purchase.

MTA seeks to assign credit to each of these touchpoints, providing a more accurate and comprehensive view of the customer journey. This is in contrast to single-touch attribution models, which attribute a conversion to a single touchpoint, such as the last advertisement viewed before a purchase. While simpler to implement, single-touch models often fail to capture the complexity of the customer journey and can lead to inaccurate conclusions about the effectiveness of different marketing strategies.

The Importance of Multi-Touch Attribution

MTA is crucial for marketers and advertisers for several reasons. First, it provides a more accurate view of the customer journey. By attributing credit to multiple touchpoints, it acknowledges the complexity of the customer's decision-making process. This can lead to more effective marketing strategies, as marketers can better understand which touchpoints are most influential in driving conversions.

Second, MTA can help optimize advertising spend. By understanding which touchpoints are most effective, marketers can allocate their budget more efficiently, focusing on the channels and strategies that deliver the best return on investment. This can lead to more effective advertising campaigns and higher conversion rates.

Challenges of Implementing Multi-Touch Attribution

While MTA offers many benefits, implementing it can be challenging. One of the main challenges is data collection. To accurately attribute credit to different touchpoints, marketers need detailed data on each interaction a customer has with a brand. This can be difficult to obtain, particularly for offline interactions.

Another challenge is determining how to allocate credit among different touchpoints. Different MTA models use different methods to assign credit, and choosing the right model can be complex. It requires a deep understanding of the customer journey and the role of different touchpoints in influencing a customer's decision to purchase.

Models of Multi-Touch Attribution

There are several models of MTA, each with its own method of assigning credit to different touchpoints. The choice of model can significantly impact the insights gained from MTA and the effectiveness of marketing strategies. Some of the most common models include the Linear Model, Time Decay Model, U-Shaped Model, and Custom Model.

Each model has its strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of model should be based on the specific needs and goals of the marketer. For example, the Linear Model, which assigns equal credit to all touchpoints, may be suitable for businesses with a straightforward customer journey. In contrast, the Time Decay Model, which assigns more credit to touchpoints closer to the conversion, may be more suitable for businesses with a longer sales cycle.

The Linear Model

The Linear Model is the simplest form of MTA. It assigns equal credit to all touchpoints in the customer journey. This model is easy to understand and implement, making it a popular choice for businesses new to MTA.

However, the Linear Model has its limitations. By assigning equal credit to all touchpoints, it fails to account for the varying influence of different interactions. For example, a customer's decision to purchase may be more heavily influenced by a personal recommendation than by viewing an advertisement. The Linear Model would fail to capture this nuance, potentially leading to inaccurate conclusions about the effectiveness of different marketing strategies.

The Time Decay Model

The Time Decay Model assigns more credit to touchpoints that occur closer to the conversion. This model recognizes that the influence of a touchpoint on a customer's decision to purchase may increase as they get closer to making a purchase.

While the Time Decay Model provides a more nuanced view of the customer journey than the Linear Model, it still has its limitations. For example, it may overemphasize the importance of touchpoints that occur close to the conversion, potentially overlooking the influence of earlier interactions. Despite these limitations, the Time Decay Model can be a useful tool for businesses with a longer sales cycle, where the influence of touchpoints may increase over time.

Implementing Multi-Touch Attribution

Implementing MTA requires a systematic approach. The first step is to collect data on all the touchpoints in the customer journey. This can be done using a variety of tools, such as web analytics software, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and ad tracking software.

Once the data has been collected, the next step is to choose an MTA model. The choice of model will depend on the nature of the customer journey and the specific goals of the marketer. For example, a business with a straightforward customer journey may choose the Linear Model, while a business with a longer sales cycle may opt for the Time Decay Model.

Data Collection

Data collection is a crucial part of implementing MTA. Without detailed data on each touchpoint in the customer journey, it is impossible to accurately assign credit to different interactions. There are several tools available to help with data collection, including web analytics software, CRM systems, and ad tracking software.

These tools can track a variety of data, including the number of times a customer views an advertisement, the number of clicks on a link, the time spent on a webpage, and the number of interactions on social media. By collecting this data, marketers can gain a detailed understanding of the customer journey and the role of different touchpoints in influencing a customer's decision to purchase.

Choosing an MTA Model

Choosing an MTA model is a critical step in implementing MTA. The choice of model can significantly impact the insights gained from MTA and the effectiveness of marketing strategies. When choosing a model, marketers should consider the nature of the customer journey and the specific goals of their marketing strategy.

For example, if the customer journey is straightforward and involves few touchpoints, the Linear Model may be appropriate. If the customer journey is complex and involves many touchpoints, a more nuanced model, such as the Time Decay Model, may be more suitable. The choice of model should be based on a thorough understanding of the customer journey and the role of different touchpoints in influencing a customer's decision to purchase.


Multi-Touch Attribution is a powerful tool for understanding the customer journey and optimizing marketing strategies. By attributing credit to multiple touchpoints, it provides a more accurate and comprehensive view of the customer journey. This can lead to more effective marketing strategies and higher conversion rates.

However, implementing MTA can be challenging. It requires detailed data collection and a deep understanding of the customer journey. Despite these challenges, the benefits of MTA make it a valuable tool for any marketer or advertiser. With the right approach, MTA can provide valuable insights into the customer journey and help optimize marketing strategies for maximum effectiveness.