Conversion Rate Calculator

You can use our free, easy-to-use conversion rate calculator below to calculate the conversion rate from your marketing campaign(s).

You can also use it to calculate the number of clicks and conversions you would need to get a specific conversion rate.

Conversion Rate Calculator

Conversion Rate Calculator

Complete any two of the metric input fields to calculate the third. Calculate your conversion rate, the number of conversions attributed to your marketing, or the number of clicks you received from your marketing campaign(s).

Clicks: ?Total number of clicks.

Conversions: ?Total number of conversions.

Conversion Rate: ?Conversion rate percentage.

What is conversion rate and why does it matter?

Conversion rate measures how often visitors to a website or app take a desired action, like making a purchase or signing up. It's an important metric for businesses to see the effectiveness of their marketing, advertising, and user experience.

What is the formula for calculating conversion rate?

Conversion Rate Formula

To calculate conversion rate, first divide the number of conversions by the total number of visitors, then multiply by 100 to get a percentage.

10 quick tips for improving your conversion rate

Here are 10 brief yet valuable tips to consider when trying to improve your conversion rate:

  1. Simplify your forms - fewer fields boost completion rates.
  2. Use compelling calls-to-action that create urgency.
  3. Showcase social proof like reviews and testimonials.
  4. Optimize page load speed - every second counts.
  5. A/B test different layouts, colors, and copy.
  6. Consider offering a money-back guarantee to reduce perceived risk.
  7. Create a clear, clutter-free design that guides users.
  8. Personalize content based on user behavior and preferences.
  9. Use exit-intent popups to recapture leaving visitors.
  10. Implement live chat for real-time customer support.